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Tanzania has put more emphasis on industrialization as the main agenda for the Government

 The focus is on industrialization

Tanzania is attracting investors both local and foreign to invest in priority sectors based on the Five-Year Development Plan II covering the period 2016/17 to 2020/21. His Excellency Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania has put more emphasis on industrialization as the main agenda for the Government. This aims at transforming Tanzania into a semi-industrialized nation by 2025; accelerate economic growth while making sure that the quality of that growth will benefit the majority of the people in terms of significant poverty reduction and job creation; and strengthen implementation effectiveness.

It is through industries that Tanzania will be capable of exporting finished goods as opposed to raw materials. The sector will also create employment, expand markets for agriculture products, and generate revenue to investors and government. Based on the above, investors are cordially invited to invest in the following priority sectors and subsectors: -

(i) Manufacturing Subsectors

  • Establishment of SEZs/EPZs, Industrial parks, and logistics centre(s).
  • Automotive Industry focusing on establishment of assembly plants and spare parts manufacturing facilities.
  • Pharmaceutical industries, rehabilitation and providing support to strategic pharmaceutical industries.
  • Agro-Industries and Agro-processing to add value to agricultural, livestock, forestry and fisheries products.
  • Sugarcane farming and processing industry.
  • Edible Oil processing.
  • Petro, Gas and Chemical Industries particularly construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in Lindi and a petro chemical industrial complex in Mtwara.


o    Cultivation of maize, sugarcane, rice, sunflower, pulses, floriculture, cotton, sisal, grape, and simsim as prioritized crops.

  • Development of out-growers to complement the sources of raw materials for the industries as appropriate.

(iii) Livestock:

  • Meat, dairy and leather processing.

(iv) Fisheries

Establishment of fishing port and fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone:

o    Establishing fish processing plants and modern fishing boat building yards.

o    Establishment of dry docking and eco-tourism facilities.

o    Production of formulated fish feeds and live fish food (eg. earthworms)

o    Establishment of commercial fish cage culture in both marine and freshwater

(v)       Mining and Metals

Adding value to and beneficiation of mining products including:

o    Processing of precious metals and gemstones.

o    Establishing a caustic soda refinery plant in Engaruka.

o    Production of iron ore and steel in Liganga.

o    Processing of nickel in Kabanga; and Extracting Uranium in Mkuju.

(vi) Tourism

o    Construction of tourist accommodation facilities.

o    Establishment of leisure parks.

o    Investing in conference tourism facilities.

o    Provision of air/ground transport.

(vii) Economic Infrastructure

o    Infrastructure projects which provide exciting PPP opportunities for investors looking to capitalize on Tanzania’s fast growing economy.

o    The sector’s further development includes improvements in the energy sector as Tanzania strives to become a middle-income country

(viii)      Information Communication Technology

o    Provision of mobile services especially in rural areas as penetration is higher in urban areas.

o    Provision and operation of value added network/data services (internet, voice mail, electronic mail services).

o    Repair and maintenance of telecommunications facilities.

o    Recycling and management of ICT equipment and related wastes. 

The focus is on industrialization

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