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Investment Opportunities in Edible Oil

Refined edible oil

Investors are hereby invited to explore the opportunities to venture into edible oil processing industries in order to help Tanzania bridge the supply deficit gap of 320,000 tones and slash the import bill, which currently stands at $294 Million. 

The annual demand for edible old is 500,000 tones and annual supply is only 180,000 tones, which leaves the country with no choice but import the 320,000 tones to meet the demand.

With demand forecast showing an increase from 500,000 to 700,000 tones of edible oil by 2030, Tanzania guarantees the market growth for investors for the foreseeable future. 

The major sources of edible oil in Tanzania include sunflower, palm, groundnuts, sesame, soya beans and cotton. Oilseeds are produced in almost all regions in Tanzania. 

Edible oil is one of the country’s priority sectors promoted by the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) in order to attract more investors in the sub-sector to create jobs but also reduce dependence on imports.

Below are sources of edible oil production...

                                                   Cotton -source of edible oil

                                                        Groundnuts-source of edible oil

Simsim-source of edible oil

Corn-source of edible oil

Sunflower-source of edible oil

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